Functions ========= Functions are basic building block of any Hy program. They let you to bundle up functionality into a reusable piece of code with a well defined interface and then use that function in other parts of your programs. So far we have been using functions that come with Hy and Python, but now it's time to look into how to define them by yourselves. Defining functions ------------------ Functions are the main mean of packaging some functionality into a reusable box and giving it a name. Once declared, a function can be used over and over again in different parts of the program. It both saves typing and helps you keep your program organized. A function may accept parameters that are used to relay information into it, these can be anything data that function is supposed to process, parameters that control how function behaves and even other functions. Functions often have return value, that is the result of a function. In this sense they're akin to mathematical functions. In Hy functions can also have side-effects. These are changes that occur somewhere in the program (like setting a variable or printing on screen) or elsewhere in the computer system (like writing into a file). .. index:: single: function; defining Functions are defined using *fn*, which creates a new function. In order to use the defined function, it usually needs to be bound to a name. This pattern is so common that a special shortcut called *defn* has been added. It takes name and definition of a function and then creates and binds the function into the name. Following two examples will have identical results: .. code-block:: hylang (setv hello (fn [person] (print "hello " person))) (defn hello [person] (print "hello " person)) Below is another example of using *defn*. It defines a function *sum-if-even*, which has two formal parameters *a* and *b*. Inside of the function there's if statement that will first check if both arguments a and b are even and then add them together and return the resulting number. If either one of the arguments is not even, function simply returns 0. Unlike many other languages, Hy doesn't have explicit return keyword. As you can see, the value of last expression executed is also the return value of the function. Defn is relatively complex tool and has several options. Next we'll take closer look on how to use them to your advantage. .. code-block:: hylang => (defn sum-if-even [a b] ... (if (and (even? a) ... (even? b)) ... (+ a b) ... 0)) => (sum-if-even 1 2) 0 => (sum-if-even 2 4) 6 => (+ (sum-if-even 2 4) ... (sum-if-even 4 4) ... (sum-if-even 1 2)) 14 Remember how I mentioned that functions let you to abstract away functionality behind a nicely defined interface? This actually has two facets. On the other hand, you're giving a specific name to a specific type of functionality. This lets you to think in terms of that name, instead of trying to keep track of everything that is going inside of that function. Another related matter is called variable scope. If you're defining formal parameters for your function, they're unique inside of it. It doesn't matter if you (or somebody else) has already used those names somewhere in the program. Inside of your function they're yours to do as you please, without causing mix-up somewhere else in the program. We can demonstrate this as shown below: .. code-block:: hylang => (defn scope-test [] ... (setv a 1 ... b 2) ... (+ a b)) => (setv a 10 ... b 5) => (scope-test) 3 => a 10 => b 5 Variables *a* and *b* are declared outside of the *scope-test* function. Variables with same names are also declared inside of the function and used to perform a calculation. But the variables declared inside the function cease to exist after the function completes. Hy (and Python) use something called *lexical scoping*, originally introduced by ALGOL. The name itself isn't that important, but the idea is. It might be worth your time to write little play programs and try out different things with variables and functions to get a good grip on this. Functions are good for breaking down a complex problem into more manageable chunks. Instead of writing down complete instructions in one huge block how to solve the problem, you can write the basic structure or the bare essence of the problem. A hypothetical AI routine for a wizard is shown here: .. code-block:: hylang (defn wizard-ai [wizard] (if (and (in-combat? wizard) (badly-hurt? wizard)) (cast-teleport wizard) (in-combat? wizard) (cast-magic-missile wizard) (in-laboratory? wizard) (research-spells wizard) (wander-around wizard))) It's very simple and hopefully easy to read too. At this level, we aren't interested what kind of magical components teleport spell requires or what spell research actually means. We're just interested on breaking down the problem into more manageable pieces. In a way, we're coming up with our own language too, a language that talks about wizards and spells. And it's perfectly ok to write this part down (at least the first version), without knowing all the details of the functions we're using. Those details can be sorted out later and it might even be someone else's task to do so. Later on, we might want to add a new creature in our game and realize that we can actually use some of the functions we came up earlier as shown below. In a way we're building our own mini-language that talks about wizards, combat and spells. .. code-block:: hylang (defn warrior-ai [warrior] (if (in-combat? warrior) (hit-enemy warrior) (badly-hurt? warrior) (find-wizard warrior) (wander-around warrior))) .. index:: single: function; optional parameters Optional parameters ------------------- Sometimes you might need to write a function or method that takes several parameters that either aren't always needed or can be supplied with reasonable default. One such method is *string.rjust* that pads a string to certain length. By default a space is used, but different character will be used if supplied as show in next. In such occasions *optional parameters* are used. .. code-block:: hylang => (.ljust "hello" 10) "hello " => (.ljust "hello" 10 ".") "hello....." Optional parameters are declared using *&optional* keyword as shown in the example about fireballs. Parameters after optional are declared having default values that are denoted as two item lists with the parameter name being first and default value being the second element. If the default value isn't supplied (as is the case with strength in the example), None is used. Be mindful to use only immutable values as defaults. Using things like lists will lead into very unexpected results. .. code-block:: hylang => (defn cast [character &optional [name "fireball"] strength] ... (if strength ... (.join " " [character "casts" strength name]) ... (.join " " [character "casts" name]))) Our cast function has three parameters, out of which one (the caster) must always be given. Second parameter can defaults to *"fireball"* and third one (strenght of the spell) doesn't have default value. Inside of the function parameters are joined together to form a string that represents spell casting. There are several ways of calling the function, as shown here: .. code-block:: hylang => (cast "wizard") "wizard casts fireball" => (cast "wizard" "lightning") "wizard casts lightning" => (cast "mage" "acid cloud" "super-strong") "mage casts super-strong acid cloud" .. index:: single: function; positional parameters Positional parameters --------------------- Sometimes you might want to write a function that handles varying amount of parameters. One way to get around that is to define large number of optional parameters, but that is both clumsy and error prone. Also, you would have to guess maximum amount of parameters that will ever be needed and such guesses tend to go wrong. Luckilly, there's elegant way around the problem: *positional parameters*. They allow you to define a special parameter, that holds 0 or more arguments when the function is called, depending on the amount of arguments supplied. And of course you can mix them with the regular parameters, just make sure you don't try to declare regular or optional parameters after the positional one. Positional arguments are defined with *\&rest* keyword as shown below, where a thief err.. treasure hunter collects some loot, which is defined as positional parameters. .. code-block:: hylang => (defn collect [character &rest loot] ... (if loot ... (.join " " [character "collected:" ... (.join ", " loot)]) ... (.join " " [character "didn't find anything"]))) In :doc:`working_with_sequences` we'll go through some useful information for working with positional arguments. After all, they're supplied to you as a list, so things like *map*, *filter* and *reduce* might become handy. Below is excerpt of REPL session showing our little looting routing in action. As you can see, we can define a variable amount of items that the characters has found and decides to collect for the future use. In case where no positional arguments haven't been supplied, a different message is given. .. code-block:: hylang => (collect "tresure hunter" "diamond") "tresure hunter collected: diamond" => (collect "thief" "goblet" "necklace" "purse") "thief collected: goblet, necklace, purse" => (collect "burglar") "burglar didn't find anything" .. _functions-higher-order-functions: Higher-order functions ---------------------- Higher-order functions are just ordinary functions that have functions as their formal parameters or return value (or even both). In essence, they are functions that deal with other functions, hence the name. They are useful in many situations, allowing one to write generic code that can be easily adapted to handle specific cases. For example, here is an example of making an alchemy potion. Each potion has dry *ingredients* and one or more *liquids*. Dry ingredients are simply mixed together, while liquids might need different approach depending on what kind of potion is being made. The choice of how to *prepare* liquids is left to the discretion of the alchemist and they need to supply *mix-potion* with the function that they would like to use to prepare liquids. .. code-block:: hylang (defn mix-potion [ingredients liquids prepare] (setv mixture (mix ingredients)) (setv liquid (prepare liquids)) (combine liquid mixture)) Lets pretend that some other alchemist has defined different ways of preparing mixtures for us as show below: .. code-block:: hylang (defn stir [liquids] ...) (defn slosh [liquids] ...) (defn carefully-mix [liquids] ...) On a superficial level, each function looks same. They might have different names, but they have same amount of parameters and return similar things (mixture of liquids). To use them in potion making, our alchemist can do something like this: .. code-block:: hylang (mix-potion ["pixie dust", "fly wings"] ["water", "juice"] slosh) (mix-potion ["olive"] ["gin", "vermouth"] stir) (mix-potion ["newt eyes", "dragon nail", "basilisk scale"] ["nitric acid", "hydrochloric acid"] carefully-mix) Each of these would create a new potion, using the specified ingredients, liquids and method of combining liquids. Such way of programming lets us to write general code, which is not interested on the tiny details, but in the overall process of how to do something. While working with such code, the programmer can concentrate on problem at the hand and defer details to another time or even have somebody else to help writing them. .. index:: single: function; anonymous It is also possible to write functions that create new function when called. While it is possible to use *defn* to do so, often it is simpler to use *fn*. These functions are sometimes called anonymous, as they are not bound to a name. To illustrate this, lets look a different kind of problem. Our friends in gnomish bank are handling deposits of customers from various different regions. While gold is easy to handle, it is the letters that are causing teller gnomes headache. Even simple things like greetings in the beginning of a letter are hard to keep in order as elfs, humans and orcs all have different customs that gnomes try to observe. In order to alleviate this problem, one particularly crafty gnome has designed an automatic letter writing system. Like everything that gnomes do, the system is very ornate and flexible. It consists of very many pieces that can be combined together in myriad ways. One such part is greeter-crafter. When given a culture, this device will construct another device which will know how to greet a person of that culture. .. code-block:: hylang (defn greeter-crafter [culture] (if (= culture "elven") (fn [person] (+ "The most illustrious " (= culture "human") (fn [person] (+ "Greetings " (= culture "orcish") (fn [person] (+ "Saluations " (fn [person] "Dear sir or madam"))) Heart of the routine is a case study. *culture* parameter is examined and corresponding branch of if statement is executed. There are three special cases, each corresponding to a specific culture and a generic one that is used when unknown culture is given as an argument. Each of the branches will create a new function and return it. Following piece of code highlights how greeter-crafter could be used to personalize monthly report letter. .. code-block:: hylang (defn handle-monthly-letter [person] (setv greeter (greeter-crafter (culture-of person))) (setv letter (+ (greeter person) (write-body person) (in-closing person))) (send letter)) First a *greeter* is constructed by using greeter-crafter. Then a letter consisting of greeting, body of text and closing statement is crafted and finally the letter is sent. In case gnomes would like to send yearly letters too, they could reuse the greeter-crafter and would only need to create new gadget that knows how to write body of the yearly letter. And if later a new culture would start doing business with the gnomes, they would add this culture to greeter-crafter and all different types of letters would automatically start greeting this new culture correctly. And if gnomes would require more intricate system, nothing would stop them from creating *greeter-crafter-creator*, a device that can build greeter-crafters which know how to build greeters that know how to address members of a specific culture. Very sophisticated, intricate and maybe even confusing system. Closures ++++++++ .. index:: single: function; closure Closures are functions accessing symbols outside their scope (we talked about scope earlier in :ref:`variables-scope`). When such a function is defined, it *captures* symbols that it refers to, but are outside of its scope. These symbols must have been defined in the outer scope of the function. An example will clarify this: .. code-block:: hylang => (defn create-adder [number] ... (fn [n] (+ n number))) => (setv add-1 (create-adder 1)) => (add-1 5) 6 => (setv add-5 (create-adder 5)) => (add-1 (add-5 2)) 8 *create-adder* is a higher-order function (we talked about these just recently at :ref:`functions-higher-order-functions` that takes parameter *number* and returns a new function that takes parameter *n*. When called, this new function will add *n* and *number* together. It has captured the value of *number* when it was initially created. This useful technique can be used to cut down amount of classes (We will go over them in detail later at :ref:`classes-and-objects`, but now it is enough to know that they are a way of packaging data and functions that operate on that data together). As always, an example will hopefully clarify the idea. A new smithy has been opened by a drawf. It is small, but has latest automated tools developed by gnomes, which helps the smith to get their work done neatly and efficiently. There's a device from creating swords, another for shoe nails and third one for iron keys: .. code-block:: hylang (defn create-sword [] ...) (defn create-shoenail [] ...) (defn create-key [] ...) Each of these tools create a basic item that the smith can then continue work on and customize according to their client's needs. However, as fame and client base of the smith grows, they soon find themself unable to take all the jobs that are offered to them. The smith considers hiring another smith to work for them, but that would require building a bigger smithy and splitting the profits. Instead of that, the smith asks gnomes to build them more tools for different kinds of items. The first batch of such tools is for swords only: .. code-block:: hylang (defn create-short-sword [] ...) (defn create-long-sword [] ...) (defn create-claymore [] ...) While the approach works, the drawf is a bit unhappy as now they have lots and lots of very specialized tools all over the smithy. What used to be nice and tidy smithy is now very cramped and untidy place. Something needs to be done before the smith accidentally steps on one of the tools that are now laying on every possible surface. Ingenious gnomes quickly come up with a solution. They design a special sword maker machine, that can make all kinds of swords. User only needs to supply it with a dictionary (covered in more detail in :ref:`data-structures-dictionaries`) that describes what kind of sword should be created: .. code-block:: hylang (setv short-sword { :blade-length 'short :blade-width 'medium :hilt 'standard }) (create-sword short-sword) Business was booming and smith was really happy with his reduced amount of tools. Smithy was neat and tidy again. Sure, they had to keep track of little metal discs that contained dictionaries for preparing different kinds of items. While the smith tried to be careful and pay attention to item makers and discs, sometimes they still managed to use wrong type of device with a disc. Usually disc and device were so incompatible that nothing happened, but from time to time he ended up with tiny daggers or sword sized nails that were simply unusable. Discs were clearly labeled, but the devices were hard to keep track of. Like always, gnomes had a solution for this problem too. Each dictionary would have information that clearly indicated what kind of item it would create. And instead of multiple devices, there were only one device that was needed. .. code-block:: hylang (setv short-sword { :type 'sword :blade-length 'short :blade-width 'medium :hilt 'standard }) (create-item short-sword) However, this omni-maker was very complex device and the smith could only afford one of them. Suddenly they had to spend lot of time waiting for the omni-device to finish, so that they could load next dictionary and start making the next item. Especially frustrating this was when multiple similar items had been ordered. But again, the gnomes has a solution. Omni-maker was modified to create not items, but devices for creating those items. This higher-order maker could then used to right tool for right job when needed and creating three similar swords was easy. They could even be engraved with the owner's name: .. code-block:: hylang (setv sword-creator (omni-maker sword-dictionary)) (sword-creator "Pete the Adventurer") (sword-creator "Uglak the Goblin") (sword-creator "Jaska the Conqueror") When device was no longer needed, it could be melted down in forge and used to create different device later when needed again. In the silly example earlier, item makers were analoguous to functions. The smith started with set of specialized functions and kept adding more and more that were doing sort of similar tasks than the ones they already had. Gnomes then fixed this eventually coming up with a omni-maker, which in programming terms was higher-order function. It could create another function that performed the required task and could be reused as often as needed. The resulting function was also a closure, as it captured the dictionary passed to. We didn't look inside of these devices, but they might look something like the following code: .. code-block:: hylang (defn omni-maker [config] (setv item-type (:type config)) (if (= item-type 'sword) (fn [engraving] (setv item (new-sword)) (blade-length item (:blade-length config)) (blade-width item (:blade-width config)) (add-hilt (:hilt config)) (add-text engraving)) (= item-type 'helmet) (fn [engraving] ..))) Notice how argument passed into *config* parameter of omni-maker is later on used by anonymous function that was created by omni-maker. .. note:: Closure does not create copies of values it captures, but uses them as they are. If you create closure that uses mutable variable, be extra mindful that you do not accidentally change it. Changed values will be visible to every closure using the original value. Closures are useful when you want to have a group of functions that do a similar task, but slightly differently. In such case you can create a factory function that constructs specialized functions for you, which are using data they captured while being created. For example, a function that converts values between two different system (say, metric and imperial), could have the conversion factor fed to it by a factory function. The act of converting between two linearly related systems is always the same, regardless of the factor. You can represent the act of conversion in one part of the system and reuse it multiple times for converting between different systems. .. code-block:: hylang => (defn create-converter [factor] ... (fn [value] ... (* value factor))) => (setv feet-to-meters (create-converter 0.3048)) => (feet-to-meters 5) 1.524 => (setv kg-to-pounds (create-converter 2.2046)) => (kg-to-pounds 5) 11.023 Decorators ---------- Decorators add a whole new layer to functions, figuratively and literally. Recursion --------- tco and all that ----------------